Ontario Votes… Music Votes Ontario
So the Wavelength Winter Festival starts on Feb. 27, just 10 days away… but that’s not what I’m here to talk about today! Feb. 27 is ALSO now Election Day here in Ontario. The last time a provincial election was held in February was 1883. A snap election in a brutal winter is a great way for an incumbent to exploit a distracted electorate.
Somehow this Ford guy is leading in the polls. In spite of countless scandals and batshit ideas. But four more years of Doug doesn’t have to be inevitable either! Unfortunately, our broken electoral system means we have to work harder to avoid another PC majority. And “low” + “turnout” are his two favourite words.
And that means you gotta vote — and VOTE WITH YOUR HEAD.
I’m proud to be a part of Music Votes Ontario, a coalition of concerned musicians and music workers encouraging people to consider STRATEGIC VOTING. Vote-splitting is a real problem for progressive parties. I’m a lifelong NDP voter and though the Liberals are far from perfect, I’d much rather have them back in power than see Ford run rampant with another “majority” from 17.8% of the population.
We’re amplifying some of the great work being done by people like NotOneSeat.ca who are studying local polls and endorsing “unity candidates” most likely to defeat Conservatives. Cooperate for Canada also has a helpful Ontario election page.
I’m lucky enough to live in a safe NDP riding and will be casting my vote for Marit Stiles. The Music Votes crew has backing candidates in Toronto ridings where races are tighter. If you have time, get involved and help out a local campaign. And please follow @musicvotesontario + stay tuned for upcoming events and actions!
And of course, don’t forget to VOTE on the 27th — or vote early once you’ve decided! You may have received a mailer telling you to register to vote by TODAY (the 17th), but don’t worry, if you’ve voted previously, you should already be registered. And you can still bring down your I.D. to the voting station.
Go to elections.on.ca and find your polling station so you’re not scrambling on E-day. And that you have time to make it to the WL show. (Doors at 7, show at 8!)